So open your hearts to one another as
Christ has opened his heart to you,
and God will be glorified.
~ Romans 15:7
Life Together . . .
Baptism Service at Mills Pool
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's description of church as 'life together' is formative for our way of doing church. Together we share the ups and downs of this earthly existence. We support each other in sorrow and rejoice in each other's victories. Our desire to maintain unity of spirit overrides our sometimes wide diversity of opinion on lesser matters.
Most, but certainly not all UBC'ers have association with the IU campus; students, professors, and administrators are among us. Social workers, lawyers, teachers, health care providers, school kids, retired people, families, couples, singles - married, widowed, divorced, gay and straight. Ours is a wonderful mix of people doing our best to follow Jesus faithfully in this time and place. We are prone to be fairly bookish at times. We boast a few gifted artists who give generously of their talent, enhancing our worship services and spaces. We have some amazing cooks who feed us well at every potluck, so we have them often.
Life together is simply our way to speak of community and our conviction that God works among us as well as within us.