Some of our Favorite Prayers
Written by Annette Hill Briggs, unless otherwise noted.
Written by Annette Hill Briggs, unless otherwise noted.
Prayer of Gratitude on Easter
One: Precious Lord, this side of Lent we are so grateful for your patience with us;
with our shallow confession, our fearful reflection, our longing to be where faith is easier.
All: We are grateful for Easter ~ the gift you came to give,
the life you mean us to have, the heart of our faith and our life together.
~ silent gratitude ~
One: May our gratitude take root in our lives and life together, O God,
that we be braver and more joyful bearers of your grace into the world.
All: Thanks be to God. Amen! ©
© annette hill briggs, 2015
with our shallow confession, our fearful reflection, our longing to be where faith is easier.
All: We are grateful for Easter ~ the gift you came to give,
the life you mean us to have, the heart of our faith and our life together.
~ silent gratitude ~
One: May our gratitude take root in our lives and life together, O God,
that we be braver and more joyful bearers of your grace into the world.
All: Thanks be to God. Amen! ©
© annette hill briggs, 2015
Offertory Prayers
Unison: These gifts testify to our confidence in God’s promise
To bless those who bless the Word
To prosper those who hold nothing back.
Thanks be to God. (c)
(c) annette hill briggs, 2011
One: All we offer now and all we keep to live comes from your hand, O God.
All: In Jesus’ name we give. Amen.
One: Many good causes bid us give. May we hear you clearly above them all and serve your kingdom
generously and with joy!
All: In Jesus’ name we give. Amen.
One: Faith is best displayed by letting go of everything but you, O God, in confidence of your promises. We
now let go of these offerings, trusting you for everything.
All: In Jesus’ name we give, amen.
One: All we give and all we keep belong to you, O God. May our choices reflect your call upon our lives.
All: In Jesus’ name we give, amen.
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