Some of our Favorite Calls to Worship
Written by Annette Hill Briggs, unless otherwise noted.
For Matthew 22:1-14
One: Like long expected guests, we arrive to celebrate the wedding of heaven and earth; of Jesus and his
beloved church.
All: We are amazed to be invited!
One: We arrive with nothing in the world more important to do with this time than to pray and praise, to draw
strength and wisdom from this moment.
All: We are overjoyed to be included!
One: We shall not squander so precious and experience, having been gathered together by the Creator of the
All: we are both humbled and honored to be here, and now. Let us worship God together! ©
© annette hill briggs, 2011
One: Leader: Come to worship, and remember what the Lord has done.
All: God makes us rich! God leaves no one behind. God keeps his promises.
One: The Lord led Israel in the desert by cloud and by fire
All: God made sure everyone had enough to eat and drink. God keeps his promises.
One: Let us sing with joy!
©adapted from
Based on Exodus 3:1-15
One: With hearts on fire we arrive once more, wanting nothing less than to
be touched by the Divine.
All: Fulfilling your promise here and now, O God, to ignite our worship with
your burning presence.
One: Ignite our life together that we grow strong in faith and our love for
your world.
All: We receive this day as a gift from your hand, O God. Let us worship God
One: Welcome to worship, you beloved disciples, believers and seekers.
All: We gather to listen, learn and praise.
One: God is present within and among us today and every day.
All: God is always delighted to have our undivided attention.
One: May our own greatest delight be in the unfailing presence of the Living Christ.
All: We delight in you, O God. Let us worship together!
One: Holy, Holy, Holy! We gather seeking the Holy!
All: Alleluia! For we are in sore need of the Holy!
One: Let us make ourselves present in the presence of our Holy God, who is delighted that we
have arrived.
All: We are here, Holy God, and glad of it!
One: May the prayers enlightened us and the praise enliven us – so that others see your holiness in us.
All: May our lives be made more holy by this worship today. Amen.
One: Apart from your Word, O God, we’ve no hope of learning what is holy; righteous, good or just.
All: We come hungry and thirsty for the Word, that we might be strong, obedient and faithful.
One: Apart from your Spirit, O God, we’ve no sense of your presence nor the courage of our faith.
All: We come longing for connection, for purpose and for confidence in the goodness of life.
One: Apart part from one another, O God, we don’t have the heart to love, or serve, or give as you have
taught us to love, and serve, and give.
All: And so we come, that by our worship our lives are ever more conformed to life in Christ.
First Sunday after Easter, 2015
One: We gather today still full of Easter faith! All: We gather to praise the One who rose from the grave! One: We gather to see & hear how the newborn church first carried this faith. All: They shared all they had & none was in need. One: We gather to decide how we shall carry this faith ourselves. All: May we be found faithful in our own time & place. Let us worship God together! |
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